Would you like to achieve more in your work/life?
Is your work team meeting their full potential?
Would you like to see your team working and thriving together?
Are there areas for potential improvement?
Professional Potential provides counselling, workshops, mediation, work coaching and consulting.
We offer a range of programs which build your ability to thrive in your work and life.
For individuals
The programs can help:
- Build an understanding of what it means for you to be happy in your work and life
- Clarify your own skills, strengths and the direction you want for your career and life
- Identify and address barriers to meeting your potential
- Facilitate goal setting and focus to meet career goals and workplace goals
- Develop your strength, confidence and skills in working with people
- Provide insights and techniques to deal with challenging work relationships
- Build your stress management skills
- Build your ability to adapt and manage change effectively
These can result in:
- Improved experience of teamwork and more positive working relationships
- Increased productivity and motivation
- Decreased conflicts between staff
- Reduced absenteeism
- Improved skills and awareness in management of staff
What are the benefits to the organisation?
- Improved teamwork
- More positive working relationships
- Achievement of organisational goals
- Fewer staff management challenges
How do we achieve these outcomes?
We would meet with you to discuss your individual needs and ways to address them. Methods used may then include:
- Coaching
- Workshops
- Conflict Resolution& Mediation
- Counselling
- Employee Assistance Program
Thriving and motivated individuals make great team members and successful organisations.
Are you and your team meeting their full potential?
Do they thrive in their work and make the most of their time and skills?
Are they as confident as they could be?
Professional Potential’s coaching can help you and your team make the most of their work life and meet work related and life goals.
Professional Potential provides courses and workshops for groups and organisations upon request.
Are there areas which could do with improvement in your staff team?
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Dealing with Conflict Constructively
Professional Development
Difficult Conversations
Effective Teamwork
Dealing with Anxiety
Rebuilding Resilience after Bullying
Building Confidence
When staff feel supported by their workplace they feel valued.
A good Employee Assistance Program supports staff to feel their best and to work to their full potential.
Professional Potential provides counselling, workshops and coaching services for individuals and teams as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) for workplaces.
Professional Potential consulting can help your workplace to identify areas for improvement in:
Efficiency of Workplace Methodology
Staff Satisfaction
Support Structures
Group Dynamics
Overall Staff Wellbeing
Professional Potential can provide recommendations and/or implement strategies to address the identified issues.
Conflict doesn’t need to be difficult.
Professional Potential can bring many insights and strategies which can calm tensions and bring more ease to interactions.
Professional Potential can provide coaching and mediation to help resolve issues, and improve the way individuals and teams work together.
We will work with you to design workshops for your group, team or organisation.